Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My mom challenged me and Lori to a photo scavenger hunt and here are the results.
All photos spell out the word SCAVENGER HUNT. Thanks for the challenge. Sorry it
took me a few extra days to get it done!

S is for stars!
C is for Chive... this one is flowering.

A if for alligator. Found him floating in the lake at LegoLand.

V is for violin... Danielle's violin.

E is for elephant. Playing Sequence with Jonathan I realized I could use another E word!

N is for newspaper...had to come up with this one. Danielle is holding the newspaper from her date of birth!

G is for giraffe and a little boy's grin.

E is from Egret in our backyard

R is for Ring... a treasure in a cache!

H is for Hibiscus

U is for Upside down ...sorry this was a hard one!

N is for NO... or NOT NOW! :)

T is for Thorns...Ouch!

Thursday, May 3, 2012